Educational Speaker
Kina has an important and unique opportunity to teach young workers to build a safety consciousness, beginning with their first job. She is dedicated to reducing occupational injuries among our youth by raising awareness of workplace hazards and making safe choices at work. At the young age of 20, Kina was permanently injured at work on her very first day.
Not only can Kina relate to the young workforce, but she also holds a Bachelor’s Degree in education. This makes her uniquely qualified to communicate with young audiences.

Kina’s message is about encouraging workplace safety and personal responsibility.

Kina is presenting live to audiences around the world with her Virtual Training Meetings.

Motivational and Inspirational Speaker
Although she had lost her arm due to an accident, she didn’t lose her incredible zest of life.
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As a conference speaker, Kina continues to engage audiences with her presentation.

Educational Speaker
Kina has a substantial and unique opportunity to teach workers about building a safety consciousness.
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Keynote Speaker
Kina is frequently a Keynote Speaker at conferences and events. Kina is dedicated to promoting wo…