Kina can share her message in-person or remotely. Find out more about her Virtual Training Meetings!


Safety Speaker

Kina’s message is about encouraging workplace safety responsibility. The day that changed her forever started like every other day. She didn’t plan or expect an accident. Kina uses workplace injury to motivate and teach.

Kina has an important and unique opportunity to teach employees and workers to build a safety consciousness. She is dedicated to reducing occupational injuries by raising awareness about workplace hazards.

Just knowing about safety isn’t enough. Kina can help your organization by speaking about workplace safety from her perspective. Nothing delivers the importance of safety better than a personal story. Her presentation gives witness to the devastating consequences of poor safety habits. Kina’s message is delivered in a way that allows the audience to learn from workplace tragedies.


Motivational &
Inspirational Speaker

Although she had lost her arm as a result of her accident, she didn’t lose her incredible zest for life. Kina leads a very productive and fulfilling life today with an attitude that keeps her thriving in a world without limits. Kina’s fight for survival began the moment she found herself caught in a moving conveyor belt. The fact that Kina alive today to tell her story is a living testament to her strong determination and amazing attitude. Success as a human being is not a matter of luck or fate. It’s about developing a positive attitude towards life regardless of circumstances. Kina’s message addresses the importance of performing training, following safety procedures, and having a positive attitude towards life, all while showing how to keep yourself and the people around you safe. You should never underestimate the power you have to change someone’s life.


Conference Speaker

As a conference speaker, Kina has continued to engage audiences with her presentation. Sharing her story about the day life changed forever due to a job-related accident. Attendees have found Kina very approachable and relatable.t She puts a great deal of thought into every presentation. Safety is something that is very personal to Kina; enthusiasm and energy make this very apparent. Kina is dedicated to promoting workplace safety through her intense and personal conference presentations. Her message will inspire attendees and captivate the audience. Kina’s professional conference speaking and presentation speeches can:

  • Capture an audiences’ attention
  • Show audiences how to turn adversity into positive energy and success
  • Spread a message of resilience and optimism


Educational Speaker

Kina has an important and unique opportunity to teach young workers to build a safety consciousness, beginning with their first job. She is dedicated to reducing occupational injuries among our youth by raising awareness of workplace hazards and making safe choices at work. At the young age of 20, Kina was permanently injured at work on her very first day. Not only can Kina relate to the young workforce, but she also holds a Bachelor’s Degree in education. This makes her uniquely qualified to communicate with young audiences.



Keynote Speaker

Kina is frequently a keynote speaker at conferences and events. Kina is dedicated to promoting workplace safety through her intense, personal, and motivational presentations. Her message will inspire attendees to embrace safety, both at work and in life. When Kina speaks there’s an immediate and total emotional connection and energy that captivates her audience. An audience can relate to Kina – she could be their neighbor, daughter, friend, or co-worker.his is what makes Kina a great keynote speaker. Kina’s keynote speeches can:

  • Grab attention
  • Change lives
  • Inspire and motivate audiences
  • Show audiences how to turn adversity into positive energy and success